Take a close look!

Downloads, uploads, phone and now TV – those taking full advantage of the “triple play” offers from network operators put considerable load on their internet line. connect and zafaco have jointly investigated how well providers and offers cope with these kinds of scenarios.

In addition to television reception via antenna (DVB-T), satellite or cable there has long been a fourth method: a high-speed internet line.

As part of their “triple play” offers, Telekom, Vodafone and 1&1 have therefore also become the suppliers of classic TV programmes. However, whether watching TV via the DSL line really is an entertaining pleasure depends on various factors: first on the capabilities of the set-top boxes used and the backend systems that run on the provider side. 

And second on whether the high utilisation of the data lines by simultaneous TV reception, downloads and uploads as well as any phone calls held over IP throw this complicated interplay off-kilter.

Providers need to use sophisticated load management strategies to ensure no service, and therefore no family member, is neglected in scenarios of this kind.

Special evaluation of IPTV

To find out how well this works, connect has been working closely with its fixed-network test partner, Ismaning-based zafaco, since 2012. We record the measured values as part of our major fixed-network test (see connect 8/2017) – but then evaluate them separately to test the providers’ IPTV services. 

We looked at three offers: Telekom EntertainTVVodafone TV and 1&1 DigitalTV provided by Telekom

Even higher load as a result of two IPTV streams

zafaco and connect also regularly adapt their methodology for evaluating IPTV offers. This year, we have therefore also included the simultaneous receiving of two IPTV streams as a new test scenario in the evaluation.

This constellation, which leads to higher load on the broadband line, is certainly not unrealistic. It happens if the set-top box is recording a programme in the background while the user is watching another programme live. Or if a second TV set with a second set-top box is used – often the case in families or shared houses. 

This year, the findings again show that there are clear differences between the active providers and offers in this area. You can read the full test results in <link file:452 _blank download file>connect issue 9/2017.